Anyone out there want to come clean my house for me? I really want to do it, but there doesn't seem to be an ounce of energy in my entire body. Well, except for that teeny, tiny part of me that is stealing it all. The blob, the lizard, whatever you want to call it. I thought I knew tired, but this is ridiculous!
I am just thankful that my husband is so patient and willing to help out with things. He really is the best. I hope I'm cooking a rough and tumble, manly baseball player for him, but I know he'll still love his cute little dancer if that's what it turns out to be.
Apparently I have a mild urinary tract infection, though I didn't have any symptoms and was surprised to hear that. I need to remind myself to drink more water. Anyway, I got a prescription for some antibiotics (which my dear husband went to fill and pick up - thanks, honey) and started taking them on Wednesday.
I threw up on Thursday. Gross. So far, I have prided myself on not having morning sickness in the form of vomiting. (Mine is more in the form of - I can't get out of bed in the morning and I feel like I've been hit by a truck.) But by yesterday, I just started to feel awful. Wednesday was rough, but Thursday was even worse. I went to my adult student's house for her lesson and she could tell I wasn't feeling too hot and gave me that "I know how you feel" look. I had started getting a little car sick on the drive over, which never happens when I'm the one in the driver's seat. She gave me some ice water and I started drinking it. Then it happened. A quick jaunt to the bathroom. Thankfully I felt much better afterwards.
One more test, though. I took the antibiotic last night with my dinner and thought things were fine. Fast forward to 12:30 in the morning and I am moaning in my sleep and curled up in a ball. It wasn't until I felt Brody's hand rubbing my back that I became fully aware of how horrible my stomach pains were. That little pill was ripping apart my insides. Not fun. Brody was nice enough to get me some crackers and a sprite and that (thankfully) settled my stomach down and helped me go back to sleep.
Side effects of the antibiotics: headaches, stomach pains, nausea. Check, check, and check. I'm calling my doctor today and seeing if there is something else I can take. I can't live on Sprite and saltines!
Ew, Honey! Ew. I know!
Oh, I am soo sorry that you feel that way...definitely no fun! But, CONGRATULATIONS!! I never did get to congratulate you on being prego...I'm so excited for you. It will be awesome!
I basically slept through my 1st trimester with all my kids... then my 2nd trimester I felt normal- just a little bigger :) Hopefully you'll start feeling better soon!! No matter what you feel... just think of the day you get to hold your little one for the first time... then drift off to sleep in la la land :)
That sucks! Enjoy it for the rest of your trimester. The first is the worse.
Sorry - hopefully it passes soon! That's awesome that Brody is being so great. I think when we're pregnant we get to see a whole new side of our husbands - a super great side. Not that they weren't already super great, but you know what I mean - it's just nice to have someone there to help take care of you sometimes when you're feeling so awful
Oh I'm so sorry! I hope things look up for you soon. :)
Oh how the memories returned!! If I could just skip over the first 3 months of pregnancy I'd probably have alot more kids!! It sucks even more to have to get up and go to work...which I did...and I cut hair! Luckily I never had to excuse myself from a client. For 13 week I finally felt better. The 2nd trimester is the best. It was amazing how good I felt. I got put on bedrest at 31 weeks. It sucked but it was nice because I had been on my feet ALL THE TIME, which is part of why I think I got put on bed rest. Then about 7 1/2 -8 months is where you want to pull the baby out just gets so hard to do things...but in the was worth every pain....the great thing about pregnancy...I never thought this was you actually forget, to a point, how miserable you were and end up doing it all over again! I'm excited for you guys! Just hang in there!
Hang in there Jen, a few more weeks and it should be gone! I was the same way i only puked 2 times, but I would have rather died!!! We can"t wait till your little one comes! (
Bleh! No fun!!!
I had the worst kidney infection when I was prego with Spencer. Only, because I did hair and stood for 8 hours a day, I didn't know it was that. I just thought my back hurt because I was pregnant. It was a mess. Pay attention to your body! It seriously knows what's best. Hopefully you feel better soon!!!
Sorry the pregnancy is no fun ...but it will all be worth it and oneday you'll think you're crazy for wanting to do it again! :)
P.S. HAPPY B-DAY TODAY! (it is today, right?) Ha, Ha--you are older than me!
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