Monday, August 2, 2010


I don't have a lot of time and I was supposed to do this yesterday, but I got tired and lazy. So sue me! Just kidding. Don't. Because if you do, you won't get anything. Seriously.

I found the last post where I put a picture up of Hazelbum and it was her 2 month picture! So starting at 3 months, here are the latest pictures I've done of Hazel every month...

I love her. The end.


Lindsay Driscoll said...

I love her too. And you. Let's hang out on Wednesday.

Nicole said...

Super Super Cute! It's about dang time too! ;)

The land of Vegas said...

I love the bw one with colored shirt. Did you do that or did your photog do it?

Heidi Meadows said...

I love the photos! I hope I can do as well taking pics of Jared every month. Looking at these makes me wish I was having a girl so I could get all those cute headbands with the huge flowers. Adorable!!!

GordonandChrissy said...

I have been such a slacker at reading blogs. Your daughter is almost a year? Seriously? Time is flying. She is adorable and you two are obviously so in love with her, just as you should be. :) What a cutie!